THFAO, under the guidance of founders Petra and Darko Horvat, extends the commitment to shaping a better world through the Horvat Family Foundation.

The foundation began in 2002, with a focus on helping underprivileged children and those facing financial hardship.
While providing support to individuals, families, children and young people, schools and organisations, the Horvat Family Foundation offers scholarships and, financial assistance for parents, as well as backing various projects dedicated to helping vulnerable children.
For over two decades, THFAO, through the Horvat Family Foundation, has made a substantial difference to Slovenian society and beyond, providing financial support to thousands of socially endangered individuals and families.
Initiatives extend to the founding several projects, such as the establishment of Materinski Dom Maribor, Svetovalnice za zÌŒrtve nasilja in zlorab, CSD Mb - FAU ustanovni donator, Mladinski dom Maribor - youth centers. Fostering optimism is an important element of the foundation as it supports vulnerable groups to better process hardship and continue to develop crucial life skills – the impact of which is evident in the communities where we work.